Neocron Pricing and Payment Currently there are three different payment plans in place. When you register your account you will get 4 weeks of free playtime (6 weeks if you register before January 18, 2003). If you pay by credit card, your card will be charged according to the payment plan you chose during your registration process. These are the available payment plans: Monthly Payment: 9.95 USD Three-monthly Payment: 24,95 USD Six-monthly payment: 44,95 USD Most common credit and debit cards are accepted, including Master Card, VISA Card, Delta etc. However American Express and Diners Club are not accepted. In the UK, the SWITCH, SOLO and the JCB debit cards are also accepted. Players from Germany may also choose to pay via direct debit from their German bank account. During your registration process you will be asked in which currency your credit card has to be charged. You may choose between US Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR) or Pound (GBP). The currency conversion will be done according to the daily official conversion rates without any charge for the conversion. We strongly recommend that you choose your home currency, since some credit card companies charge fees for transactions that are not being processed in your home currency.
Alternative Payment Methods If the above given payment methods don't suit your needs or if you don't want to pay for your account via credit card then you have the possibility to sign up for your account via PayByCash is an official partner of Reakktor Media and they offer a wide range of alternative payment methods. These methods include e.g. Wire or Bank Transfers via Global Collect, CertaPay (TM), Cyphermint's PayCash System (TM), IPS Payment (TM), PayPal (TM), Western Union (TM), hyperWALLET (TM), US-Postal Services SEND MONEY (TM), Yahoo! PayDirect (TM), Citibank's C2IT (TM), checks via mail or fax, money orders via Postal Service etc. Follow the link above, to see a complete list of alternative payment methods.
Please note that PayByCash charges a small processing fee for providing alternative payment methods. The complete pricing table for paying for Neocron via PayByCash can be checked here. |