| ![](includes/spacer.gif) | Patch #154 beta | ![](includes/spacer.gif) | # Weapons Melee weapons now hit every time and received a damage increase of about 20%. This should make melee weapons more attractive and allow new characters to advance faster. Burst weapons receive a damage bonus of 10% on the total damage dealt by a burst for every bullet after the first bullet. In return, the to-hit-chance decreases by 15% for every successive bullet of a burst. A well-aimed burst can do more damage than a similar single-shot weapon, while a poorly aimed burst will do less. Stream weapons receive a damage reduction of 5% on the total damage dealt by a stream for every target after the first target. In return, the to-hit-chance increases by 20% for every additional target. Area-of-effect weapons receive no bonus because they can do up to triple damage if fired on monster groups and thus generate triple XP. Because Tanks don't have many options with single-target aiming weapons, additional Raygun- and Plasma- Streamcannons will be added as soon as possible. All ammomods now improve a weapons total damage by 15%. Until now, they had different effects on each weapon type, so on some they will do less damage, on others more than before. The effect on different armor types is unchanged (while this has no effect on monsters yet, it does on players). A small exponential factor has been introduced into the weapon damage formula. Therefore the damage difference between low and high TL weapons is now larger. For balance reason, high-level monster now have the same exponential factor in their health formula. Fixed Gatling Rifle and Laser Rifle ammo. Rhyker Napalm is again a Plasma Pistol, as it should be. Reduced the detonation delay of grenades to 2 seconds. Damage dealt by Area-of-Effect weapons is now reduced by 25% for every additional target hit after the first target. Fixed the double damage bug with Raygun Cannons. Reduced the damage of weapons with a high firing frequency. Because armor used to be more effective with low damage values, those weapons had a bonus. As armor is fixed now, the bonus is no longer required. Fixed the weapon reload sounds. Added new high-level weapons that cannot be bought in shops nor researched. When constructing ammo, there are now 10 items created instead of one. Therefore the price of the required ammo parts has been multiplied by ten. Experience gained by building ammo stays the same though. This should make the construction of ammo by players more attractive. # Psi Fixed Fire/Poison spell damage. Because of a bug the damage-over-time was diminished twice by the armor of the target. Additionally fire damage is increased by 10% and poison by 20%. Psi regeneration increased. Heal no longer damages Players with active shielding spells. PSI modules don't fail completely anymore when the target moves out of the field of view when the attack is triggered on the server. Nonetheless it is likely that no damage will be registered on the server because the attack couldn't reach the target. Therefore you should always pay attention to have a clear view on the target and change position in case of no damage. Also, Psi fails if you move too much. # NPC Health NPC health is now managed exclusively server-side. This should eliminate the problem when Players saw the health values drop and rise again on the next update. If the health doesn't decrease even though hits are displayed client-side, the hits weren't registered on the server. If there is much cover or many players around, shots may not get registered because player/NPC positions may be displayed slightly differently on the client than they are in fact on the server. In that case one should change position to get a clear shot. NPC Health updates have been tripled in frequency, to deliver quick feedback to the players even though the health management is server-side now. # Drones Doubled the ammo of drones. The very slow drones have been made a bit faster. Added new drones with higher Tech Levels. # Clans/Factions Fixed a bug lowering Faction Sympathies for no reason. Reset Faction Sympathies below +10 to +10 to compensate for the bug above. Fixed the assignment of clan apartments. # Exploits Removed a Cashcube money exploit. Removed a weight/stamina increase exploit. |
![](includes/spacer.gif) | Patch #155 beta | ![](includes/spacer.gif) | # Weapons Fixed the damage of ammomods. Increased the exponential factor in the weapon damage formula. Increased the damage bonus for burst weapons to 20%. Increased the firing frequency of burst weapons. # Psi Further increased the Psi regeneration rate. Psi Boosters now have 3 charges. Fixed Heal on self failures. Fixed Psi Heal failures that occured when it was used often and the effect was expired. # Monsters Reduced Monster armor, but increased health. # Misc Added more cabinets to apartments. Adjusted the fire and posion effects duration when several effects are stacked. Added a Quickchat key that allows you to chat without opening the R.P.O.S. (key must be assigned in the options menu in the main screen). |
![](includes/spacer.gif) | Patch #160 | ![](includes/spacer.gif) | # Further development of the Team mode: - Integration of a new 'Team' window into the R.P.O.S. with display of the team members, their health and the possibility to remove them from the team. - The team function in the 'Hypercom' window only relates to chat now. - Integration of team XP: The XP and cash gains from killing monsters will be distributed among the team members with a bonus of 25% on XP, if the team members are in close vicinity of each other and only up to 10 combat levels apart. The distribution is not immediate, but the XP are collected and distributed periodically (every few seconds). Hereby the player earning the XP directly gains them according to his actions, while the others gain them according to their character class: Spy -> INT and DEX, PSI-Monk -> PSI and INT, Tank -> STR and CON, Private Eye -> all skills distributed evenly (according to his allrounder role). - The loot rights remain with the killer. - Max team size reduced to 8 (plus yourself) Runners. - You can't invite Runners who are already in a team into your team. - You can no longer kick other runners from the team, only leave yourself. The console command was changed to "-team" respectively "-t" (which makes you leave the team). - On a disconnect, a runner is removed from the team. This only happens after a little time though, so it is possible to avoid it aftar a crash i.e. if you rejoin quickly. - In conjunction with the development of the team mode, some roles in the game have been revised, as support classes make more sense now: * Because of the following changes, we will implement so-called "Loss of Memory" pills. On consumption, they reduce the level of the appropriate subskill and release the appropriate amounts of trainpoints. This will allow everyone to redistribute their skills to match the changes. * Running is slower depending on the type of the drawn weapon. With Melee- and Pistol-type weapons running is fastest, with Heavy Weapons slowest. * Stronger separation between aggressive and passive PSI Monks: # The subskill "Exotic PSI Use" has been changed into "Mental Steadiness". Its function is like the subskill "Hightech Combat". This means an increasing amount is required to be able to use better PSI modules. # The improve the role of the passive PSI monk, new PSI spells have been added that make him a valuable addition to a team. # The effects of Parashock modules have been changed (less damage/more paralysis) and the modules are now in the Passive category. * Another change concerning specialisation into certain roles is the correction of a mistake in the calculation of the use restrictions. This leads to an increase of the subskill-userestrictions for weapons around TL 75. I.e. a Fusion Cannon will require 102 in Heavy Combat instead of the current 88. With the LoM pills mentioned above, it will be possible to redistribute the skill points, which should lead to the desired specialisation. # Change of the Soullight system: - Regardless of how high your own SL is, after killing a Runner with positive SL, your SL will become negative. - After the first murder it will be between -16 and 0, depending on the gravity of the crime (SL of the victim, combat level difference). This means you will not be attacked by CopBots, but are a target for other players. - SL between -16 and 0 climbs automatically over time. The time required to reach 0 is considered a probation time. The time required is not proportional to the negative SL, it will take more than twice as long to recover if you have -8 than it would for -4. - If a player kills another player with positive SL, while he is on probation (SL between -16 and 0), his SL falls in any case below -16. Then he will be attacked by CopBots and the SL will no lnoger climb automatically. - Below -16, SL behaves like positive SL, if you kill a player with negative SL it climbs respectively falls depending on the SL of the victim. However, the SL of a player with less than -32 SL will only fall if he kills a players that is at most 10 combat levels below him. This is to keep players with -32 SL from killing newbies to lead the highscore of negative SL. - As the SL in the probation area (-16 to 0) now climbs automatically, there is no more need for NPCs to get SL back if it fell below 0 accidentally. Hence SL doesn´t climb anymore when killing NPCs. - No more SL loss when killing a faction enemy. - No more SL loss in Neofrag. - The chat messages for SL and Factionsympathy changes are now more differentiated. Below 5 points is "a little", below 10 is "a lot", and above is "a great deal". - By killing a Runner or NPC with negative SL, you don't gain or loose faction sympathy. - NPCs no longer react to a runner's faction sympathy, but to the standing of the runner's faction towards the NPC's faction. A runner's faction sympathies are only used to determine his faction (highest or his clan's faction) or are used if the runner doesn't belong to a faction. # Loot Changes: - Increased the time a corpse remains to 60 secs. - Increased loot priveledge time to 40 secs. - Changed the loot in boxes. - All monster types have an item pool from which the loot is generated randomly (i.e. all spiders drop stuff from the "arachnid" pool). Therefore the items dropped by mobs have more variety. - The amount of loot is automatically generated from the mob's level. - The amount of loot varies randomly around the automatically generated value. - If the weapon a mob should drop is above its actual loot value, it is no longer dropped. - Added about 30 items to diversify the loot of monsters. For now they are only meant to be sold at Yo's. # Drone changes: - Added a normal plasma attack to PLC drones. Therefore they do considerably more damage. - Split drones generally in two categories: lightly armored, fast drones doing little damage (projectile, laser and plasma drones) and heavily armored, slow drones doing heavy damage (fusion, rocket and raygun drones). - Increased Willpower effect on drones. - Increased Drone armor overall and the damage of heavy drones. # Color indications on players and NPCs changed: - Name and Frame: red/yellow/green depending on the SL of the target. - Clan and Faction: red/yellow/green depending on the relation of your faction towards the target´s faction. - Rank: compares combat level of the target to your own. Green=equal, yellow=superior, red=dangerous, grey=harmless (no xp nor loot). # Terminal system changes: - Helpsystem: Request (255 chars) and Bugreport (768 chars) now havbe fixed text lengths and scrollable entry fields. - Terminal\Forum: Entry fields scrollable (auto) and limited to 2048 chars. - Terminal\Email: see forum (2048 chars) - Terminal\Neocronicle: see forum (4098 chars) - Terminal\Claninfo: Button MyClan now only usable by runners with clan membership. - Terminal\Claninfo: Clan apartment is transfered to the new leader now. - Terminal\Neocronicle: Runner articles can no longer be edited (only published or deleted). - Terminal\Info\Runnerinfo: Location and apartment are only displayed to possible clan members, all other runners only see "access denied". - Terminal\Info\Claninfo: Invite Member now only works on Runners without clan membership. - Terminal\: Changed the editability of typed texts Home: Beginning of the text End: End of the text Arrow down: Cursor back (new) Arrow right: Cursor forward (new) # Items: - Added Passive PSI modules - Added "Duranite" Armor. Like its big brother, Duranium Armor, it protects from energy damage, but is at the level of Inquisition Armor. So Spys should be able to use it. -Changed TL of First Aid kit and Medkit. - Plasma Rifle holds 16 shots now instead of 15, the mag can be emptied now, the ammo pack contains 32 instead of 30 shots. - Freezer Cannon Ammomods are sold now. - Scope mod now influences the aiming and max range of a weapon. - Range and aiming improve with TL for Pistols and Rifles. - Blueprints can now only have a maximum of 10 required parts. # Apps: - Brotherhood of Crahn now has its own clanapp in the Outzone, - Fixed Tsunami starter app, # Other changes: - Fixed several Synch- and Crashbugs. - Fixed several "Fatal error" with too many lights/shots/explosions. - Passive spells usable in safe zones. - Moved the influence of Willpower on normal weapons to Weapon Lore. - Mouse position is now also centered below the window in windowed mode. - "reset_position" is no longer available in apartments. If it should be needed, you should write an ingame support request or use /set kill_self 1 - Increased waiting time for reset_position to 2 minutes. As the Runner cannot move during that time, you should be careful with its usage. - Vehicles that were unmanned for more than 120 seconds and with a condition of less than 10% can no longer be damaged. This prevents the destruction of vehicles in abscence of their owner. - Fixed a bug where no money was substracted when warping to an apartment. - Account password is now encrypted in the registry (real safety is only possible if you don't save the password though) - Dexterity had an influence on the number of hitpoints of a character, this was now corrected to Constitution. # Interface: - Faction window revised. Shows the faction of the player as well as the relation of all factions to a) the player and b) the faction of the player. - PvP trade revised. - Context menu when "using" another player: PvP Trade, Team Invite, Direct Chat. - Welcoming mails for beginners work again. - Scroll area for long texts in the Citycom fixed. - Muted channels in the hypercom are now saved when the game is terminated. - Updated keys.def and keys.ini to adjust the controls to the latest changes. As key assignements cannot be "patched", the files will be overwritten and (non-default) keys have to be assigned again to your liking. - % characters in chat messages are now filtered correctly # World: - Added a mission that explains how to handle tools to beginners. You can get it from most faction employees. - Removed a bug with Black Dragon guards. a_06 vendor fixed. - Military base-1 updated: removed blockadee in the A&W shop. - PSI sounds assigned correctly. - Fixed door in Industrial 1. - Fixed NPC scripts in PP3. - New guards at the PP Shooting Range - Fixed trader in c_09 - Added Psi trader in the Military Base - Updated the Crahn Church - Fixed background sounds in PP3 |
![](includes/spacer.gif) | Patch #161 | ![](includes/spacer.gif) | This patch fixes some bugs that came with the reskilling option and the #160 patch. In detail, we patched the following features: - Reskilling bug fixed. In the previous patch, points got lost occasionally. A patch to recover the lost points is in the works. - PSI heal spells modified, they use less PSI now. - Fixed a bug where players saw themselves as PE even tough they are a different class. |
![](includes/spacer.gif) | Patch #162 | ![](includes/spacer.gif) | SL System: - SL now climbs automatically to a max level. This will be 10 by default, if you get higher SL by killing evil players, you maximum will be raised. However it climbs slower the further away it is from 0. - SL no longer falls below -16 with the second kill, but after a few kills, depending on the gravity of the crime (SL and Combat level difference). - Players no longer get penalized for damaging Team members, so no more SL loss for accidentally hitting a Team member. - Players are only penalized after doing 20% damage to another player (previously 10%). So there is more marging for erroneous shots without punishement now. - SL raises faster now. PSI: - Removed the delay when switching to another PSI module. - Heal/Shelter/Deflector spells reinforcede and cast times reduced. - As requested by players, the are of effect of fieldspells has been reduced. - Support spells now work on the casters. - Damageboost works again. - Maximal PSI energy raised (can go above 238) Other: - Bersek Chips adjusted. - Userestrictions of Marine and Special Forces CPUs adjusted. - Special Science CPU has the initial effects again. - Increased Medpack heal rate. - Slightly increased to-hit chance of ranged attackers (NPCs) against drones. - The DEX cap of Spies was set to 100 with th last patch as DEX and INT are the strong points of the Spy class. We will remove 25 points from the other Spy stats, thread for discussion here. - No impairment penalty after a resurrection. - Increased the range of some rifles. - Team XP for Tanks is now STR + CON instead of STR + DEX. - Fixed a bug in the Health display of team members. - Music and SFX volume are now correctly set after a zone change. - Passing apartment keys to other players works correctly again. - Vehicle Spawn Exploit removed. - Maximum Health increased (can go above 238) - Userestrictions now follow Thanatos' formula :-) - Clankey Delete function added. Can Leaders can now delete clans with no more than one member. - Last location and Apartment display removed from Runnerinfo. |
![](includes/spacer.gif) | Patch #166 and #167 | ![](includes/spacer.gif) | !!! Important changes !!! Loss of Memory pills now have following effects: - reducing the subskill named on the LoM. (The amount depends on the level of the subskill - 5 below 50, 3 between 50 and 75, 2 between 75 and 100, 1 above 100). - reducing the controlling SKILL for that subskill by 1. - reducing the Experience Points to match the lower SKILL level Example: You have 61 STR. You want to get rid of Melee, which is at 70. So you take a Melee-LoM pill. Melee will drop from 70 to 67. One point is added to your available train points. The other 5 points are gone and your STR dropped to 60, you'll have to level your way up to 61 to earn the "lommed" points again. This, in effect, undoes your character by a level. Taking a LoM will reduce your level by one, but will allow you to level up that SKILL again and put the training points into a different subskill. This should remove the exploitability of the LoM pills while still allowing players to change the path they took without having to start over. High level monsters are stronger: High level monsters deal more damage and have more health, in return they can drop more valuable loot. Additionally, the hacking difficulty for tech monsters is now linked to the level of the monster. So you should be careful with monsters you may have handled easily before the patch. PvP/Death Penalty/LE changes: Please read the changes in the "PvP" and "Runner Loot" sections carefully. The LE no longer affects the use restrictions of items. This should make the LE a viable option again. Fixes Engine - Fixed a client crash due to a buffer overflow with too long item names. - Improved drag&drop of items. This should fix *one* crash bug caused by repeated dragging of one item during lag. - Fixed a bug in the ammo-shell code, which could cause crashes in long firefights. - Fixed a good deal of memory leaks. This should improve the stability for long playing sessions. - Particle generator optimized. - The sudden disappearance of sitting players has been fixed. - The timing code regarding the problems with CPUs above 3 GHz has been reworked. - The MP3 code has been reworked. This should fix problems with several 3rd-Party MP3/DVD softwares. - A few remaining memory leaks in the MP3 code have been removed. - Fixed the music volume reset bug when zoning. - Removed several display bugs in the item info window. - Fixed a crash bug that appeared when an item in a loot/container/cabinet window was clicked fast and repeatedly. Interface - Added german umlauts and special signs. - Fixed a bug with wrongly positioned RPOS elements after resolution changes. - Fixed text overlapping in the item-info window due to too high use-restrictions. - Corrected false or missing Startup emails. This concerns Anarchy Breed, Fallen Angels and Twilight Guardian. - Removed the ALT combo from the screenshot key, it's F12 again now. - Fixed conflicts between WASD controls and Quickchat modus. - Enlarged the item-info window. - Terminal/Statistics: This area is now accessible. (Faction-, Clan-, Runner-statistics) - Terminal/Guide: This area is now accessible. (First Steps, NC History, thorough faction info) - All CUSTOM channels have been activated a single time. - "/set sys_messages" command deactivated Exploits - Removed a Chat exploit for dead players. - Removed freezer effect exploit. - Removed vehicle target exploit. - Fixed double team-xp exploit. Gameplay - Level 3 implants are dropped again. - Fixed the wrong effects of Ferinerol. - Fixed the mix-up of the effects of Pistol-Bulletchamber and Pistol-Gyrostabilisator. - Combat level rises now when using vehicles with weapons. - Fixed armor of several worm monster types. - Huge raygun ammo replaced by normal raygun ammo. - Smart Cybereye 4 is no longer researchable - Damageboost now also affects xray and poison damage. - Trainpoints left over at the character generation are saved now. - DoY Rayguns no longer be bought nor built. - Enlarged to Drone target box, so drones should be somewhat easier to target from large distances. - Fixed damage boost sanctum. - Worked on monsters falling through the floor. - Fixed Hand Grenades. - Players using a drone can no longer be traded with. - Removed a bug with PvP trade enabling/disabling (ALT+K) - The amount of items you can buy at once from NPC vendors has been limited to 250. - Fixed a resurrection bug where players died immediately after a resurrection. - Fixed a bug in the determination of the hacking difficulty for tech monsters. Monsters with a high rank are now considerably more difficult to hack. World - Fixed collision problem at the TG garage. - Updated the position of the copbots in Pepper Park 1 in the zoning area to Plaza 3. They can now watch he zoning area effectively. - Added Clanapp for Citymercs. Features/Balancing: PvP - In the low/mid level dungeons, players also lose Soullight if they kill faction enemies. - Resurrection cast time has been quadrupled. - Soullight regeneration speed was reduced. - If Soullight is below -32, it doesn't climb automatically anymore. - Increased the damage of Freezer guns and decreased the freezing effect in return. The goal is to have a stronger differentiation between freezer guns and parashock spells. Runnerloot - Players no longer drop items out of the Quickbelt, but instead they drop a variable amount of randomly picked items, which are chosen among the 10 best items. Not included are: Keys, Ammo, implanted Implants, Tools and Junk. - These 10 drop candidates are chosen through sell value. - The items are dropped to the ground through a belt (beta players will remember this). This belt is directly accessible for the player and his team members, other players have to hack first to access the items. If the player or a team member opens the belt, it is considered hacked and other players may access it too. - Players with a Soullight at or above -16 drop one item. - Players with a Soullight below -16 drop 5 items, and one additional item for every 16 Soullight they are below -16. Also, the hacking difficulty of the belt drops with bad Soullight. - The item in the first quickslot can not be dropped. - Runners with a Soullight below -16 can also drop the item in the first quickslot. - The amount of dropped items in war zones has been reduced by one. So only "criminal" players lose items in warzones. - Added a name display on backpacks and belts. - Players with LE neither drop items, nor can they hack/loot belts. Clans/Outposts - Clans can now reactivate the security layers (hacking) of their own outposts. - Clans get a message when one of their turrets is destroyed. - Considerably increased health and damage of turrets. - Added Stunfield-turret. - Added Artillery-turret. - Added Gatling-turret. Soulcluster - New Passive PSI spells which summon a Soulcluster with the Techlevel of the spell. These attack the faction enemies of the caster and the caster gets xp for the damage dealt. - Soulclusters follow their creator if they have no target to attack. - Soulclusters only attack their creator if he damages them, and not at the first random hit. - Soulclusters can also be created in smaller corridors. - Money for kills is passed to the creator. - Reduced the damage of higher Soulclusters. - You can have only one Soulcluster at a time. Interface - Added variable sizes to the window mode. You have to add the line 'PREFWINDOWSIZE = "x"' to the neocron.ini, where "x" is the desired size. The default setting is "800x600". For technical reasons, tolerated sizes are limited to "640x480", "800x600", "1024x768" and "1280x1024". - Terminal\Email: Added an Address Book, split into Personal, Business, Allied, with 20 possible contacts for each category. - Terminal\Neocronicle: Removed Gamemaster area. - Terminal/Info/Claninfo: Is now a pure information area, admin functions have been moved. - Terminal/Clanadmin: New area, clan leaders can manage the clan, members, ranks, money. - Terminal/Clanadmin/Misc: Leader rights, possibility to change the clan name and access code to the apartment. - Terminal/Forum: Changed the organization of thread headers and added "Re: Subject" for replies. Other - Capped maximum running speed and replaced the effects of Endurance on running speed and jump height by Agility. - PSI spells have mod slots and mods have been added. - Constitution XP increased noticeably. - As pistols aim better and cause fewer problems as burst weapons, pistol burst weapons receive only 20% bonus to the theoretical total damage for every additional shot. - Ammo can be cloned using a recycling tool and junk (or monster parts). The amount of needed junk depends on the TL of the ammo. The relation between ammo and junk is not balanced yet and is likely subject to change. - In the high-lvl dungeons, the monsters will only respawn if all players have left the zone. This should make the gameplay more linear: go in, fight your way through, kill the end boss, loot, leave, rinse and repeat - Increased melee damage by 30%. - High level mobs do more damage. - High level mobs (rang 60+) have more health. - Adjusted the maximal loot value for high level monsters according to their increased damage and health. - The LE no longer affects the use restrictions of items. This should make the LE a viable option again. - Adjusted the stamina consumption of some weapons. - Increased the range of Lasercannons. - Increased the damage of hand grenades. - Slightly reduced the range of flame throwers. |
![](includes/spacer.gif) | Patch #168 | ![](includes/spacer.gif) | Warning: All the trainpoints invested in PSI subskills and PSI Use have been released, you can assign them again to adjust your skills to the changes to PSI Use and PSI Power. More info here - Reduced the hacking difficulty of tech monsters to half, as it was intended. - Fixed the duplicate Weaponpart 9, renamed the part with the higher TL to Weaponpart 10. - Fixed a drone targeting bug that occured when the droner was not in visual range. - Removed the Soullight penalty for lightly damaging someone who was killed by monsters then. - The dynamic combat rank when using vehicles is updated more frequently now. - Fixed a bug with negative energy values (PSI etc). - Removed the too easy hacking when the runner had no hacking priveledge. When a runner has no looting priviledges on a tech monster, hacking difficutly is doubled. - Fixed the missing, respectively interchanged start emails of Fallen Angels and Twilight Guardian. - Increased vehicle armors for Rhino4x4 Tank by 100%, HH4x4 Chaincraft and AT Troop Carrier by 50%. - New targets for reset_position commands in the wasteland sectors. - Recalculated PSI skillpoints for monks, ambassadors etc should get the missing points now. - When cloning ammo, the amount of ammo is determined by the value of the junk parts. - Greatly reduced the influence of Psi Use on Psi energy and in return greatly increased the influence of Psi Power on the energy. Therefore all points in the Psi subskills and Psi Use have been released. - Outpost sublevels are now warzones. - Removed a StockX exploit. |
![](includes/spacer.gif) | Patch #171 and #172 | ![](includes/spacer.gif) | There are two patches because one of them updates the launcher. - Changes to the Neocron Launcher: + Fixed a bug where some files were saved unpacked (could lead to version conflicts, crashes and display errors). + Added a check to find and fix files affected by the bug mentioned above. + Fixed a bug and added a check/warning to prevent corrupted files from being saved unpacked on the client. + Added a language version check for the launcher website. - Military_p1.dat updated: Removed the bench at the Genrep, strengthened guards. - J_10.dat updated: Replaced Citymercs guards in front of the main building (they should shoot faction enemies now). - Techhaven Sec3 updated: Removed the old PSI vendor. Added 3 new, they look like OZ vendors and sit on the benches in the big room. - Fixed an error with Y. Replcants, weapons adjusted. - DOOM HARBINGER removed from outzone/pepper maze. - Pepper_p2.dat und pepper_p3.dat: Reduced the number of CopBots. - Fixed another Powerarmor texture bug. - Reactivated LE. - Outfitter can no longer be used with PAs. - Dogtags only drop when a Runner did most damage. - Activated weapon models for players who had them deactivated before the retail patch 169. - Fixed a problem with recycling of materials with meat. - Meat can no longer be cloned. - Fixed crash with techlevel 1 weapons. - Fixed invisibility bug when sitting on some benches. |
![](includes/spacer.gif) | Patch #175 and #176 | ![](includes/spacer.gif) | - Fixed problem with Plaza 3 apartments. - Removed CityMerc epic run exploit. - Fixed Benjamin (epic run NPC) - Fixed "Fatal Runtime Errors" due to too long texts in edit boxes (mail, forum etc) |
![](includes/spacer.gif) | Patch #178 | ![](includes/spacer.gif) | Epic Run Fixes - You have to finish the epic run successfully, if you want to found a clan. - You cant accept an epic run, if there still is another mission running. Other fixes - We reduced poison damage by 10%. There will be more changes with the next retail patches. |
![](includes/spacer.gif) | Patch #179 | ![](includes/spacer.gif) | New Items - New APU Spells * remove target's Shield * remove target's Deflector * remove target's Heal - New PPU Spells * remove Poison from target or self * remove Stun from target or self * remove Damagebooster from target or self - New Drugs * Antidote: 2-8 poison damage effects (the DoTs) will be removed after a certain amount of time. * Antistun: Stun effect will be removed after a certain amount of time. * Anti Damagebooster: Damagebooster effect will be removed after a certain amount of time. - Added weapons (Stealth Activators) that can make a Runner (almost) invisible for a few seconds. During this time, no weapon can be used. - Added drugs to cancel the stealth mode prematurely - Added a beginner drone and two rare drones. The rare drones can be constructed, but not with the same quality like the original rare drone. - Added 2 rifle types, Pulse Lasers and Sniper Rifles. The visuals of the sniper rifle are temporary. - Added more mods for PSI modules, as well as rare "ultimate" mods for guns. - Added mods for Laserblades - Restaurants now have more on the menu. Drone changes - Improved drone terrain collision checks. - Reduced drone collision box for navigation. - Increased drone damage by 10%. - Increased drone armor by 20%. Character creation - Adjusted the skillpoint distribution system during character creation to the one ingame. Skill levels above 50 cost 2 points, above 75 3 points etc. The respective amounts of skill points for all character templates have been increased to prevent any advantages/disadvantages for existing and future characters. - Adjusted the starter items for the character templates. New characters now receive in general more or better items, especially the PE and SPY. - After creating a character, you now have to wait 6 hours before creating another character on the same server. Other changes - NEXT epic item (vehicle) is no longer completely destructible, but is warped back to the garage instead of disappearing and can be repaired there. - Reduced damage bonus for each additional bullet for non-pistol burst weapons from 30% to 28%. - Added new enemies to desert zones. - Halved the weight of chemicals. - As there are countermeasures now, stun effects have been increased a bit again. - The damage of Raygun rifle, -pistol and flamethrower is now much more dependant on the target's distance. On short distances there's a damage bonus of up to 50% and on great distances a penalty of up to 50%. - The damage of fusion rifle and -pistol is now much more dependant on the target's distance. On short distances there's a damage penalty of up to 50% and on great distances a bonus of up to 50%. - The values for short and long distances depend on the maximal range of the respective weapon. Misc. Fixes - Fixed the display of emotes. - Fixed recognition of special characters in emote-keywords (for the french version) - Fixed Area MC5 respawn exploit. - Fixed a bug where music would be played in the main menu even though music has been disabled in the options. - small adjustments and fixes in the R.P.O.S. - Fixed scrolling long texts in the terminal system. - Some fixes to reduce the problems with distant players warping around. |
![](includes/spacer.gif) | Patch #180 | ![](includes/spacer.gif) | - Reduced the duration of the antistun drugs. - Increased anti buff spell casting time, fixed the mana drain. - Too much distributed skill points should get removed again. If you distributed them to the sub skills already with patch #179, they'll get removed from the sub skills automatically, beginning with the first one. - Fixed several mod bugs. |
![](includes/spacer.gif) | Patch #181 | ![](includes/spacer.gif) | Itemdrop - Changed the itemdrop rules in Warzones to the Anarchy zone rules (you lose at least 1 item now). This only applies to the server Jupiter, the system remains unchanged on other servers. Items Dynamic objects for apps will be implemented when they work fine and can be removed by the players. - Removed some useless weapon mods. - New recycling recipes to create food from organic loot - New recycling recipes to create empty datacubes, recordable datacubes and recordable books - New recycling recipes for drugs (Antidote, Antistealth, Antishock, Dmg Blocker) - New sniper model/icon. - New sniper ammo. - New zoom mode. Activate zoom mode by holding the 'fire'-Button. - Sniper rifle now uses the 7.62mm mods. - Item Info window: * Use restrictions for LoM-pills fixed * Effects of anti-drugs fixed - Fixed flamer damage bug. - Fixed a bug with tools disappearing when used. - Reduced stun effect of lower spells and weapons and reduced the influence of the stun on aiming capabilities. - Replaced the old MC5 chips with new models, the existing ones and their parts will be useless. - Increased rare part and rare implant drop PSI - Reduced PSI energy use for antipoison, antishock, antidamageboost - Reduced frequency for anti-buff spells and adjusted the mana cost. - Reduced frequency of all spells, increased damage (648% damage cap) - Reduced range of Holy Paralysis - New rare APU and PPU spells - Fixed bug in area of effect spells (eg Fire Barrel) - Higher rate of fire for some advanced passive spells (eg holy shelter sanctum) - Fizzle probability when using PSI while running decreases with higher damage % value - Reduced APU rank - Barrels adjusted: Less damage and shorter duration Mobs - Removed DoY Bots from k_13 - Highlevel AreaMC5 Mob placement changed to remove the safespot Terminal - Clanwars implemented: Clan members of clan rank 14 and above may declare wars - Terminal\Info\Clans: Clanwars display reactivated - Terminal\Clanadmin\Wars: Clanwars can be canceled by yourself or accepted by others - Note that clanwars do not have any gameplay effect at the moment (e.g. soullight loss) - Political system: Faction members may vote the faction council, the seats will be filled according tot he number of votes received. Runners can be designated as clan representative by their clan and be voted into the faction council. Elections are help on the indicated day or when the level of mistrust goes above 50%. - Terminal\Info\Politics: Overview of own faction council (Overview, Details, Election) and of other factions (Overview, Details) - Terminal\Clanadmin\Members: Designation of clan representatives (Member of clan rank 12 at least), editing of political program (Representative) Filechecker - New button "Check Files..." in the Neocron launcher. It checks the Neocron client for missing/corrupted files. Work in progress! If it doesn't work properly, delete the file filestofix.inf. - A slim version of the new "Check Files..." option checks the most important files (EXE and DLL files, important data files) at every start of Neocron. At the moment, this check has no effects on Neocron yet, because it is still in testing. Error messages are logged to the file "Error.log". Other changes - Using stealth produces a weak drug effect. - The TakeAll button now only takes as many items as the Runner can carry, starting with the last one. - Neocron time/date is now synchronized more often between server and client - Fixed a sound bug in the German installation of the download version. - Reduced the waiting time between creating characters from 6 hours to 30 minutes. - Improved the zone change code. Players should no longer appear at the reset positions if they log out during the zone change. The same should apply to vehicles. - Outposts can only be hacked by 3 different Hackers (one for each layer). The clan of the hacker hacking the last layer conquers the OP. |
![](includes/spacer.gif) | Patch #182 | ![](includes/spacer.gif) | Epics should work properly now. Removed the items creating dynamic objects. The objects that have been placed are still in the world. Poison does less damage now. Updated Area MC5. Copbot Rifles should no longer drop. |
![](includes/spacer.gif) | Patch #183 | ![](includes/spacer.gif) | - Fixed a bug zoning code. Server performance should improve now. - Redecorated the racetrack in the Wastelands. Note: The option for faction chat is displayed under custom chats, but the chat itself doesn't work yet. |
![](includes/spacer.gif) | Patch #184 | ![](includes/spacer.gif) | - Researching of unidentified techparts within the Neofrag arenas is not longer possible. - Fixed some Biotech and CityMerc epic mission exploits. - Fixed a bug, which caused a working denial of NPC-Vendors sometimes. |
![](includes/spacer.gif) | Patch #185 | ![](includes/spacer.gif) | Vehicles - Vehicles are more resistant to different types of damage Poison 95% resistance Psi 95% resistance X-Ray 90% resistance Energy 50% resistance Pierce 40% resistance Fire 40% resistance Force -20% resistance - Increased the recovery time for abandoned vehicles from 30 minutes to 60 minutes. - Increased the time span where newly abandoned vehicles can be destroyed in warzones from 120 to 180 seconds. - Vehicle armor increased. - Vehicle hitpoints increased. - Raised damage of vehicle weapons. - Increased vehicle damage against vehicles. - Vehicles need ammo now. - Added anti-vehicle weapons - Vehicles now take much less damage from players than they take from monsters - Vehicles aren't targeted anymore when you sit in them - Added a vehicle depot in sector I-16. - When you log out in the vehicle, you spawn next to the vehicle when logging back in. New vehicles: - Added Hoverbike and Chaincraft vehicles with weapons. - Added new Wheel Jeep with grenade launcher - Added new Bike with rocket launcher - Added Trike *The keys for these vehicles can not be bought yet, they will be used during events* PSI - Changed Shelter and Deflector effectiveness so that you need pretty high damage % to reach maximum effectiveness. Shelter and Deflector with low damage % should be noticeably weaker now. In return, the overall damage mobs deal has been slightly reduced. - Slightly reduced effects of shelter and shield altogether - Reduced effects of shelter and shield on other Runners by 50% - Reduced effect of Holy Paralysis Hybrid nerf: - Points in PPU reduce the damage % on APU spells by up to 30%. - Points in APU reduce the damage % on PPU spells by up to 30%. - Removed random factor from the effect of PPU spells. - Adjusted the random factor for the effect of APU spells and added it to the spells lacking it. Genereps - Genrep access depends now on the (player-set) security level of the outpost. * All * Friendly factions only * Own clan only - Clanmembers using generep to their outpost are respawning in the underground level now Other Changes - Added Droner implants - Soullight gain for missions is now exactly 1 SL point regardless of mission difficulty or own SL. - New button "Factions" on the world map, it displays which OPs belong to which faction - Outpost Security Levels are now displayed on the world map. - Adjusted the worldmap display for resolutions above 1024*768 - All characters now start with enough money to generep out of area MC5 immediately. - KK drones give money/SL when used to kill NPCs - Added support for the NeocronNetworkLauncher Tool by Neofrag (see www.neocronnetwork.de) *not interesting for non-german folks* - Updated the Battledome in sector J-04 - ALT+N deactivated Pistolero boost: - Slightly improved rare pistols - Increased magazine sizes of pistols - New Pulselaser Pistols added *Tangent 'Substandard' Pulselaser DEX18 PC45 TC22 *Tangent Pulselaser DEX64 PC95 TC65 *Tangent 'Assault' Pulselaser DEX92 PC111 TC80 *Slasher DEX113 PC121 TC88 *Rare* Terminal -Terminal/Helpsystem: Requestloop fixed (Reason: runner corpses were counted) - Terminal/Forum: Date focused - Terminal/Cityadmin/Members: appointment and changes of clan representatives have been fixed - representatives should definitely be listed as candidates now - Terminal\Clanadmin: Fixed withdrawal of faction representatives - entries are deleted now - "You got mail" display fixed, it now only reports the amount of unread mails; added a corresponding display in the mail overview of the terminal. - Gamemasters are no longer displayed in the "top" lists in the terminal. This happens only after the character logs in and out, so the lists won't be cleared immediately. - Terminal\Clanadmin\Wars: Clans can no longer declare war on themselves - Terminal\Clanadmin\Wars: Added an option to surrender Bugfixes - Faction chat is working as intended now. - Fixed a crash when distributing skill points in the offline tutorial. - Added a check to prevent reported crashed caused by using cursor keys on USB-keyboards - Removed incorrect "next sector" message in the city sewers - Player corpses no longer prevent mobs from spawning in certain dungeons. - Death is only serverside now. - "Trade disable" (ALT+K) fixed, the setting is saved after a zone change. - Fixed an ambient sound effects error - Fixed Energy Soulblade mods - R.P.O.S. Status is now saved after every zone change, not only during logout. - Removed several error messages from "Check Files..." in the NeocronLauncher. Exploit Fixes - VentureWarp exploit fixed - Fixed exploit with equipment boxes: adjusted contents - Construction/research processes are no longer possible in Neofrag - Removed windows in Area MC5 |
![](includes/spacer.gif) | Patch #187 | ![](includes/spacer.gif) | - Increased SL gain for missions a bit. - Increased vehicle speed. - Increased vehicle weapon damage. - Increased pistol damage in general and gave an additional small boost to a few selected pistols. - Fixed Droner implant drop. - Fixed "Temporary Item" drop. - Fixed Pulse Laser Pistol. - Lowered DEX requirement on MC5 Synaptic Accelerator to 90 DEX. - The Generep rules set by an outpost's security level now also apply to clanless Runners. - No impairment when a runner warps into the basement of his clans OP. - The clan holding an outpost receives 30% of the credits Runners pay to warp to that outpost. - Faction channel can be turned off now. looks like this change didn't make it into the patch after all - RPOS window is no longer open when the game starts. - Outposts give (depending on the security settings) everyone 30%, faction friends 50%, faction 70% and the owning clan 100% of the skill bonus. - Added more OP security settings: Attack/Use Generep: None/All Enemies/All Enemies/Friend Faction/Friend Faction/Faction Clan/Friend Clan/Faction Clan/Clan For the attack settings: None: Turrets shoot at noone Enemies: Turrets shoot enemies only (not faction allies and neutrals) Faction: Turrets shoot at everyone but your faction Clan: Turrets shoot at everyone but your clan For the Generep usage settings: All: everyone can use the Generep Friend: everyone but faction enemies can use the Generep Faction: only faction members can use the Generep Clan: only clan members can use the Generep. |
![](includes/spacer.gif) | Patch #188 | ![](includes/spacer.gif) | Info on some items by Callash can be found here Main menu/Launcher/Options - Password encryption changed. You'll need to re-enter the password once after this patch. The encryption for the password stored in your computers registry is now dependent on your hardware configuration. This should keep your password safe even if a malicious program or script tries to steal the password from the registry. You *may* need to re-enter the password once after changing your hardware configuration. - The client.exe file check now prevents the start of Neocron if modified files are detected. A few files are excluded from this check to further allow some client modifications like the NeocronNetwork launcher. The check does not include model, texture and sound files, nor the ini files in the \ini folder. - New function "Resume" in the main menu. You can now make a quick login with the last used character/server. - New option in neocron.ini: 'LIMITMODES = "FALSE"' removes the limitation of the fullscreen modes. No liability for display errors in the main menu and R.P.O.S. (In other words, you can use uncommon resolutions like widescreen) Weapons - Fixed Raygunpistol reload sound. - Adjusted Anti Vehicle/Aircraft weapons TLs. - Added descriptions for rare weapons and fixed others (english version only). - "DOY Raygun Cannon" no longer researchable. - Fixed ammo consumption on lasercannon, pulse pistols and STORM laser. - Added rare Kamikaze drone "Revenge". - Added rare Shotgun "Terminator", will be available through a run instead of the usual rareparts. - Increased drop quality of "Special Dungeon Items" (STORM Laser, Flameavalanche etc). Armor - Added a new type of use restriction: Character class. Used on all Powerarmors. - Adjusted stats and requirements on all Powerarmors. - Added Powerarmors for Spies and Private Eyes, will be made available through runs. Implants - Adjusted construction brain imps (+3/5/8 CST -> +5/10/15 CST). - Fixed lvl 1 implant drops. - Added rare "Machina Gloves" (+5 DEX or INT, +15 CST or RES or IMP or REP or REC, +10 TRA, -100 PC/RC/RCL/MC/HC) - Smart targeting eyes all give T-C now. - Increased PPW bonus on Psi Core and Dimension Splitter from 10 to 14 to balance out the APU/PPU hit on damage %. - Increased research bonus on advanced nerves from 3/5/8 to 5/10/15. - Fixed "Special Rigger Interface" drop, drops like the other rare imps now. - Added Kamikaze chips (+ Combat Skills, - Resists). - Added antigamma bones. - "Biotech Advanced/Experimental Headbone" no longer researchable. - "Biotech Chest" and "BioTech Vehicleinterface 2" researchable again. - Filter Heart 1's -5 CON hit was reduced to the correct -3 intended. - Crahn Defensiv-PSI-Processor 3's Use restriction corrected to the proper PSI 67. - Defensive-PSI-Processor's & PSI Attack Chips now give bonuses to the PSI Skill, lvl 1 = +1, lvl 2 = +2, lvl 3 = +3. Vehicles - Doubled vehicle weapon damage. - Increased vehicle resists: Force: -20% -> 0% Pierce: 40% -> 60% Fire: 40% -> 60% Energy: 50% -> 70% Other items - Increased Viarosso Lvl3 app price. - Fixed/changed some item names and descriptions. - Books and Datadiscs are no longer sold. - Added various items for new mobs and events. - Cavebossmobs rarely drop "Strange Books". These are needed to do the Terminator run. Misc changes - Moderately increased INT XP growth for Monks. - Characters with a SL of -32 or less now gain a bit more SL while completing missions (at least 1 SL per mission). - Construction and Research missions now have more appropriate tasks and rewards. Misc Fixes - Terminal\Forum: Fixed thread sorting. - Some small terminal fixes, affecting email and faction systems. - R.P.O.S. quicktips scrollbar fixed, display error (assigned key names) fixed. - GMs with Faction Counsellor status are now correctly handled as members of their respective faction. All other GMs remain members of CityAdmin. Note: you may have to recreate the Counsellor character to make the change to take effect. - Faction Channel can be muted now. - Deactivated "Jump" in the QuickChat mode. - Fixed animation timing bug for the doors of subway cabs. World changes - Fixed maps (object placement etc): * Chairs in the Outzone (Crahn) clan apartment * Underground entrance in F_11 Devereaux Fortress * Bench in the VentureWarp Store Pepper Sector 3 * Faulty objects in sector J 10 * Faulty objects in sector H 08 * Faulty objects in sector F 02 - Added dynamic signs to all outposts: Name of the OP, name of the occupying clan, name of the occupying faction. - Added Citycom stations in Newbie Area MC5 main building, added a few things to make it easier to get around. |
![](includes/spacer.gif) | Patch #189 and #190 | ![](includes/spacer.gif) | - New DLLs for the PE skin bug. - Fixed Spy PA bonuses. - Adjusted "Strange Book" drop. All mobs dropping rareparts now have a chance of dropping the book, the chance of getting it from a Cavebossmob is highest though. - The faction counsellors change (belonging to their own faction) has been undone. - The faster SL gain for SL below -32 has been undone. - Fixed some armors giving higher resists than they should. - Fixed some small object placement errors. - Black Lilly no longer stands in a rotten box. - Removed bugged trader in Plaza sector 4. - Fixed the entrance to swampcave 4. |
![](includes/spacer.gif) | Patch #193 and #194 | ![](includes/spacer.gif) | Attention: The CityAdmin guards inside the Plaza 1 Medicare will open fire on all faction enemies coming through the Genrep! The Plaza 1 GenRep will be unsafe for anti-CA factions!!! PSI - Reduced range for Beam spells. - Increased range on non-beam attack spells. - Increased range on rare antisanctum spells. - Reduced damage for Freeze spells, but the effect stays the same. - Increased mana consumption for Freeze spells. - Increased cast time for Freeze spells. - Increased cast time for Resurrection spells. - Increased cast time and Psi consumption for stun spells. Weapons - Increased damage for melee weapons. - Reduced stamina drain from heavy weapons. - Increased ammo pack sizes for 7.62 bullets to 16 and for plasma rifle ammo to 40. - Added "HEW 'Slipstream' Plasma Wave" (TL 40) and "A&W 'Burning Air' Plasma Wave" (TL63) weapons (sold at vendors). - Added rare Flamethrower "DEVOURER" (TL 98), drops as rareparts. - Added rare Plasma Wave "RAVAGER" (TL 100), drops as rareparts. - Plasma Waves now have their own ammo and mods. - Changed the rare swirl colors for some weapons. - Fixed Plasma Waves ammo consumption. - Increased Plasma Waves damage. - Increased range of flamethrowers. - Reduced stamina consumption on flamethrowers. - Increased serverside melee range by 10%. - Combat rank is updated correctly now when using melee weapons. - Increased ranking of all vehicle weapons except the tank gun. World - Fixed Escador Oasis GenRep - Added Hometerms to TG clanapps - Fixed errors in VR2, A_06 and F_13 (Gaia mine entrance) maps. - Updated all Plaza, Viarosso and Pepper Park maps. This ranges from visual changes to CopBot and faction guard placements. Attention: The CityAdmin guards inside the Plaza 1 Medicare will open fire on all faction enemies coming through the Genrep! - You can now get wasted at the Yagers Inn in the Canyon. - Completed Tech Haven security update in all sectors. - Added faction offices in public and hidden locations. - Fixed a client crash when zoning to sector B_12. - Moved "Black Lilly" (epic run NPC) to the subway entrance in PP2. Implants - Adjusted bonuses on Riggers Dream to 15RCL/15WPW and added a +8 bonus to transport. - Adjusted bonuses on Special Riggers Interface to 10RCL/10WPW and added a +6 bonus to transport. - Adjusted bonuses on Drone Combateye to +3/+5/+10 RCL and +5/+10/+15 WPW. - Drone Distance Interfaces now add +1/+2/+3 DEX in addition to the old bonuses. - Mindcontrol CPUs now give an additional +3/+5/+8 WPW, +2/+4/+6 transport and -10/-15/-20 to WPL. Misc - Added faction medals and items. Visit your faction office or ask your faction counsellor for further details. - Antidote now removes 3 stacks after 8 seconds, Advanced Antidote 2 stacks after 4 seconds and Concentrated Antidote 1 stack after 2 seconds. - Changed the attribute requirements for the tank, spy and monk Powerarmor to 90/100/115/135, for the private eye to 75/80/90/105 and adjusted the tech levels of the armors accordingly. - Antigamma bones can now be bought from boneimp vendors. - Replaced/added icons for bone enforcements and psi modules. Thanks to Maarten "Eagle" Tops for making the icons. - Switched the Powerarmor item graphics to a more fitting icon. - Slightly boosted combat strength of swampcave mobs, slightly decreased strength of wormtunnel mobs. - All faction guards now have better weapons, more health and a higher rank. - The Soullight display in the runner statistics shows the correct values now. - Help window popups in apartments and Area MC5 show only up once now. |
![](includes/spacer.gif) | Patch #196 | ![](includes/spacer.gif) | - Lowered stealth T-C reqs to 80/90/95/100 TC. - Changed monk PA penalty from -15/20/25/30 (PA1/2/3/4) Athletics to -10/15/20/25 Agility. - Removed T-C requirement from Speedgatlin. - Reduced Slasher damage. - Removed "Strange Book" since the drop is broken. - There may be more than one instance of the Client.exe again. If a second client.exe is launched, a warning box will be displayed. - Parashock effects should really be reduced now. - When "using" your own backpack, its contents will be automatically transfered into your inventory. - Increased OZ8 guards combat strength. - Team XP/Money wasn't properly distributed when the Droner did the kill and was not within range of the team, but his drone was. This is fixed now. |
![](includes/spacer.gif) | Patch #197 | ![](includes/spacer.gif) | - Increased WYATT EARP damage. - TERMINATOR now shoots 6 bullets instead of 4, in return the damage of the bullets was slightly decreased. - Slightly reduced DISRUPTOR damage. - Removed instant poison damage from flame throwers and increased stack damage in return. - Reduced CURSED SOUL damage. - Increased RAVAGER damage. - Increased HOLY LIGHTNING and HOLY FIRESTORM damage. - Slightly increased HOLY PARALYSIS freeze effect. - Further adjusted the PSI module requirements in the TL 55+ area. - Removed the antideflector effect from the Spirit Bullets (antishelter effect remains). - Fixed a potential fatal error when zoning. - Fixed the NPC aggression list, only "real" damage dealers are considered now. - Fixed a fatal error caused by an active tooltip display of items that were just destroyed. - Fixed Neofrag vehicle key exploit. |
![](includes/spacer.gif) | Patch #198 and #199 | ![](includes/spacer.gif) | Hotfix #199 Notes: - Fixed problem with french language files that caused the french version to crash when loading. - Gave the Pistol Spy PA the correct name of Inflitration suit, Rifle PA is called Asassination suit. - Monk PAs remove the correct -10/-15/-20/-25 AGL now. Known bug: For most users, Alt-Tabbing out of the game leaves the screen black. This bug is caused by code parts preparing for the switch to DirectX 9. We decided not to fix this bug as we want to and have to focus our development resources on DoY. If you rely on using programs like instant messengers or voice com while playing Neocron, you should use Neocron's window modus and enlarge the window to fill your screen. To do that, open the neocron.ini in Neocron's main folder with a text editor and edit the line PREFMODENAME (to get windowmode) and add the line PREFWINDOWSIZE (to set the size of the window). Example: PREFMODENAME = "WindowMode" PREFWINDOWSIZE = "1024x768" (adjust this to your desktop resolution) World: -Added Racetrack GenRep -Added the DoY tunnel network. The entrances are situated all over the Wastelands and look like bunkers. The tunnels are considered a military area and all trespassers will be shot, regardless of faction. The enemies in the tunnels have a chance of dropping (complete) Slotenhancers, Ultima Mods and Rareparts as well as some new junk that could be useful... -Area MC5 has had all boxes removed, the core can no longer be accessed and the unarmed NPC has been removed. Bugfixes - Marked current Direct3D driver as "(D3D7)". Due to this, you may have to re-select the display mode (once). - Fixed a bug that prevented NPCs needed for the Black Dragon quickjobs from spawning. The quickjobs should work now. - Fixed a bug which crashed the server when executing certain GM commands under certain circumstances. - Fixed the terminal system cheat violation; it did not always kick the player to the login menu. - Character cannot be deleted anymore while the user is online with another client at the same time. - Fixed a right-click use bug (there may still be others around). - Fixed a bug where some turrets would be initialized twice when a zone was loaded, which consumed twice as much security slots -> leading to disappearing turrets. - Fixed "portable GenRep" exploit. - Fixed "portable GoGuardian" exploit. - Added optional info string displaying reason for cheat violation kick in the login menu. - Updated debug funktions for callstack.log. - Optimized engine.dll compile settings, may increase render performance on some systems. - Added additional checks/restrictions in sound manager, hopefully fixing large fps drop on certain sound effects (e.g. Copbot rifle sounds). - "/set ctrl_sfxvolume 0" ends all active sound samples. - Fixed several client-side memory leaks in the CityCom system. - Fixed several server-side memory leaks. - Fixed Crash in GM Tool / Info / Runner. - Fixed CityCom Crash caused by ListBox elements (Clan Money, Clan Info...). - Fixed even more CityCom memory leaks. - Fixed "You need a higher repair level" message spam when trying to use a Remote Repair Tool without the required subskill level. - Fixed a possible Fatal Error caused by chat messages arriving exactly when quitting to the Neocron main menu. - Fixed some more exploits. - Overcapped characters have been reset to cap values. Pistols: - Weight reworked. - Range reworked. - Changed PulseLaser Pistol's shot sound. - Fixed Tangent MiniLauncher shot sound. - Fixed Ryker Legacy N_v52 Nailgun shot sound. - Fixed Ryker Napalm PP_v42 shot sound. - Changed Nailgun clip size to 20 to match other pistols. - Changed Gatlin Pistols ammo packs to 40 to match clip size. - Fixed PulseLaser Pistol bug, re-raised frequency to 370r/m. - Adjusted PulseLaser ammo consumption. - Adjusted Automatic Pistol lineup's RoF to help with shot run on, and to add a bit of difference when compared to the Uzi lineup. RoF is 296r/m. Rifles: - Weight reworked - Range reworked - Fixed Gatlin Lineup's reload sound. - Fixed PulseLaser Rifles bug, adjusted frequency to match assault rifles Heavy Weapons: - Weight reworked - Range reworked - Adjusted LaserCannon's ammo consumption and shot counts - Fixed TPC's shot sound - Fixed Ryker LaserCannon shot sound - Fixed STORM Laser shot sound - Fixed Prototype Tangent LaserBeam shot sound - Fixed Tangent Gatlin Cannon shot sound - Fixed Tangent SpeedGun shot sound Melee: - Revamped melee techlevels. - Damage balanced. - Weight reworked. - TL17 Rusty Double-Edged Sword added. - TL44 Baseball Bat added. - TL80 Tai Chi Double-Edged Sword added. - TL94 PEACEMAKER (Rare Baseball Bat) added. - TL104 THE DENTIST (Rare Knuckles) added. - Fixed Long LaserBlade II shot sound. - Most melee weapons now do two types of damage. - Beggar Electroshocker damage changed to proper Electroshocker damage type. Drones: - Revamped drone techlevels. - Damage balanced - Weight reworked - Reduced "Drug Flash" effect when a drone is hit by 60%. - Fixed A&W Basic Lightweight Attack Drone name - Fixed A&W Lightweight Attack Drone name - Renamed HEW Light War Drone RK-100 to HEW Light War Drone RK-50 - Renamed HEW Medium War Drone RK-100 to HEW Medium War Drone RK-250 - Renamed HEW Heavy War Drone RK-100 to HEW Heavy War Drone RK-500 - Renamed HEW Advanced War Drone RK-100 to HEW Advanced War Drone RK-1000 - Added TL87 A&W Hellfire Assault Drone GA-3 and sold in shops - Slightly Reduced Gatlin Drone RoF - The MOSQUITO is the anti-heal drone, RAPTOR is the rare gatling drone. Both have new models. - New damage types for Drones. New damages are just the default damage total split across 2 damage types for non-rare and 3 damage types for the rares. As follows: LowTech Non-Rare: Force, Pierce LowTech Rare: Force, Pierce, Poison HighTech Non-Rare: Energy, X-Ray HighTech Rare: Energy, X-Ray, Fire PSI: - Weakened Parashock spells a bit. - Removed the effects of Damageboost, Shelter and Deflector on Parashock freeze effect. NPC's: - NPC Specific Armor created (i.e. Doomreapers have high fire resistance, DOY units have high X-Ray resistance, mechanical monsters are resistant to poison...). - Fixed a bunch of monster names. - Fixed Terror Raptor/Terror Leaper Name/Model issues. - Added a new script for Area MC5 NPCs. - Soulclusters behavior fixed. Vehicles: - Upped range on V2 Wheeler, slightly decreased damage - Upped range on Chaincraft and Hovertec Bikes - Slightly increased Chaincraft bike damage - Increased range of the missile weapons on vehicles - Trike and Wheeler turrets can be turned again. Misc. Items: - Added Holovests. They can only be used by the Spy class and change the wearer's appearance to that of any other class and gender. - Will remove Runs for Monk-, Spy- and PE-PA and in the next weeks and replace them with appropriate vendors (Monk in C06, Spy in TH, PE in Plaza/ViaRosso). - Changed the algorithm that determines the number and type of parts required to build an item. Existing blueprints remain functional. - Adjusted the base prices for all construction parts (weaponparts, vehicleparts etc.) for the new algorithm. - Removed DEX requirements on stealth tools and replaced them with a spy class requirement. INT- and T-C-requirements remain unchanged. - Re-added Strange Book drop. Any NPC able to drop rareparts (with exception of the MC5 Base Commander), can also drop Strange Books. - Upped Special Riggers Interface WPW and RCL bonus to +15. - Removed Ultima Mods and Slotenhancers from the rarepool and added them to the loot tables of the DOY tunnel mobs. The Ultima Mods only drop on the lowest levels of the tunnels. - Twilight Guardian traders now also sell explosive ammo. - Various items had typos fixed or havebeen renamed to something more fitting. - Changed Gamonin to TL40 - Changed Ligustin to TL50 - Changed Nukleonon to TL60 - Changed Silicin to TL15 - Changed Fucoxanthin to TL13 - Changed Protoxylem to TL14 - Changed Explosive A to TL 29 - Changed Explosive B to TL 31 - Changed Adhaesin Super Connection Gel to TL 10 Drugs: - Tylors Biochem and Medicare no longer sell lvl 4 and 5 drugs. Check your local drug dealer. - Fireresist Potion now adds FIR+25 - Destrosol now only adds INT+3 - X-Strong adds, in addition to its current bonuses, FOR+20 - Destrosol Forte now adds INT+4 WEP+12 WPW+12 - Redflash now removes PSU-10 instead of HLT-10. - Beast now adds H-C+25 instead of M-C+25 and removes HLT-10 instead of WEP-20 - Kri'nakh Nightshade removes HLT-15 instead of WEP-20 - Added new drug "Havenin". Adds PSI+3 - Added new drug "Dolinskin". Adds PSI+4 PSU+12, HCK+12, removes WEP-10 - Added new drug "Blue Fairy". Adds INT+5 WEP+18 WPW+15, removes ATL-10 - Added new drug "Nightspider". Adds PSI+5 PSU+20 IMP+16, removes FOR-15 Recycling: - Added Leather Armorvest 1-3, Metal-Plated Armorvest 1-3 and Wiremesh Armorvest 1-3 (TL 4, 12 and 24 respectively). These items are not available in shops or constructable, but have to be recycled. The recipes are: Leather Armorvest 1 - 3x Bloody Skin, 1x Tufts of Hair Leather Armorvest 2 - 4x Bloody Skin, 4x Mutated Limbs Leather Armorvest 3 - 5x Small Limbs, 2x Bloody Skin Metal-Plated Armorvest 1 - 2x Metalplate, 4x Metalpipes Metal-Plated Armorvest 2 - 4x Metalplate, 3x Metalpipes Metal-Plated Armorvest 3 - 6x Metalplate, 2x Metalpipes Wiremesh Armorvest 1 - 2x Small Limbs, 2x Wire Junk Wiremesh Armorvest 2 - 3x Small Limbs, 1x Wire Junk, 4x Cable Wiremesh Armorvest 3 - 4x Small Limbs, 2x Cable, 2x Processor - Added recycling recipes for Junkknife, Beggar Nailgun, Beggar Electroshocker, Mendicant Rifle, Mendicant SMG, Lazar Rifle and Lazar Gun. The recipes are: Junkknife - 1x Metalplate, 1x Wood, 2x Wire Junk Beggar Nailgun - 1x Metalpipes, 1x Wire Junk, 1x Metalplate, 2x Small Hydraulic Parts Beggar Electroshocker - 1x Metalpipes, 2x Wire Junk, 1x Processor Mendicant Rifle - 3x Metalplate, 1x Metalpipes, 3x Wire Junk Mendicant SMG - 3x Wood, 1x Metalplate, 1x Metalpipes, 1x Wire Junk Lazar Rifle - 5x Wood, 1x Metalpipes Lazar Gun - 3x Wood, 1x Metalpipes, 2x Metalplate Misc. Gameplay Changes - Changed Generep Danger Indications. - Redone code for item drops. - Redone XP-gain-formula for build/repair/research/implant/recycle and increased XP gains for research and construction. - When reaching the money cap of 20,000,000 NC, the money will no longer be cut down to 18,000,000 but instead stay at 20,000,000. Outpost Turrets - Turrets can no longer be placed if the player has stealth activated. - Increased armor and hitpoints of all outpost turret types. - Turrets now need 60, 80 or 100 Construction skill to place. - Poison, DamageBoost etc no longer have an effect on outpost turrets. |
![](includes/spacer.gif) | Patch #200 | ![](includes/spacer.gif) | - Fixed the Speedgatling requirements (removed TC). - Spirit Bullets now remove Shelter instead of Deflector. - NCPD Terminal Info now display the Runners with a Soullight lower than -16. - Gave the drug dealers in PP3, MB1 and TG fixed positions and changed Dagger in the OZ jail so he only sells illegal drugs. However, these dealers charge 5 times the normal price, to encourage P2P trade. - Removed high level drugs from all outpost traders and other traders who offered them. The new drug dealers should be the only NPCs selling them now. - Added part-recycling. It is now possible to recycle two parts into the next higher part (e.g. two Weaponpart 7 recycle into one Weaponpart 8). - Fixed a flaw in the loot algorithm responsible for the high drop rate of the strange books and reduced the book drop rate. - Wiped the Strange Books. We apologize for the inconvenience. - Replaced the WPL bonus from the Rigger buffs by a TRA bonus. - Fixed NeMa inventory icons. - Fixed Spy rifle PA. - Increased Drone damage by 12%. - Icreased L-100, GAL-100, & GAL-3000 Drones RoF to match TL-100's RoF. - Reworked melee's stamina use. Running while attacking can drain stamina, while standing or walking while attacking in most cases can not drain stamina. *Remember Stamina Boosters are instant, yet require player to stop to use so isn't an issue on instant side, just gives target a chance to get away* - Melee users now need to invest more points to cap damage. - Removed the PSI hybrid penalty (having a high APU skill reduced the effectiveness of PPU and vice-versa). This penalty was only 5% and the "new" PSI module requirements are quite effective regarding Hybrids. - Fixed ALT+TAB blackscreen issue. - Fixed client not working anymore on older video cards (e.g. Voodoo3). - Fixed missing emotes for some player classes & PAs. - Fixed vehicle shots not visible for anyone except the gunner. - Worked on "You've gained a little sympathy with ..." spam. - Added code to detect and repair corrupt ini/player.ini files. - Added code to detect corrupt ini/keys.ini files, uses ini/keys.def instead. - Neocron.ini now also allows odd resolutions for the window mode and entries like "800*600" instead of "800x600". Use at your own risk! - Re-compiled Tech Haven map. The gravlifts should be accessible again. |
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